Friday, March 30, 2012
Stop the invisible Joseph Kony
Sorry that its bind awhile that i never post everything, i was thinking of going back to blogging again. The reason Why i never post because that i was to busy, and lazy to do my blog so i was thinking.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Favorite songs part 4
chrismass songs:
Mariah Carey:
all I want for x mas is you
Bernda Lee:
rockin around the chrismass tree
Bobby Helms:
jingle bell rock
Brenda lee:
rockin' around christmas tree
burl lve:
holly jolly christmas
songs that are not christmas
shut up and drive
Forbiddena 403:
southern cross
northern light
blaze of life
Werid weapons part 3

Thursday, October 21, 2010
Favorite songs Part 3
game of love
Viva la vida
baha man:
move It like this
let the dogs out
Orange lounge:
mobo moga
dj simon:
bus stop:
kick the can
Wolfe tones:
Rifles of the ira
man behind the wire
come out ya black an tans
Groove coverage:
god is a girl
creature feature:
A gorey demise
you are a pirate
Groove Coverage:
god is a girl
Because I love you
the end
milion tears
I need you
green days:
Broken dream
Saturday, October 2, 2010
I also like the tmnt, because my friend showed me a video of the classic series. That I thought i did not like when i was a kid. I watch the newer one and I kindy like it, but not really, then I watch fast forwerd and back to the sewer. And I discoverd that usagi yogjimbo, made by Stan Sakai and I discovered that he made friends with the creaters of the tmnts.
Some of you people love the classic tmnts, and some you like the new tmnt,
If you like the classic one you think that the new one was garbige. Like "Oh come on this is not like the classic tmnts" or you might say "they should call this the amnts adult mutant ninja turtles".
Yey......ok T_T lets begon on the first tmnts.
The first Teenage mutant ninja turtles was a comic book.

I know what you might say that its a lie that is was actully a tv series, but no the first is acomic book.
So that means that the classic tv series was the second yes is it.
and it becomes a childs cartoon, and make sences that thay act like teenagers. And also has a cachy song

The newer version was acting seriest and don't act like funny acting teenagers, well except michaelangelo.

Main characters
leonardo- the leader of the group who is the loylist one, he wares a blue mask and carrys two katananas.
donatello- the brains of the group who invents stuff
raphael- bad cool dude who is the branes
michelangelo- the stupied one
sherrader- sherrader the villain you all love is live in all the tmnts series,
in the classic series the classic one act pathetick, wille the newer one s was very evil.
In the classic series he was a member of the foot clan and he was named Oroku Saki and frames on Hamato yoshi (who becomes splinter) that he says that Hamato was going to mudder one of the foot leaders (Maybe it was a lie to get ride of him) and had him banish to new york sewer.
In japon Oroku saki joins the foot clan to become a ninja, he even took leadership of the footclan and becomes sherrder.
Wille in the newer version, sherrder was an utrom. Which he was a criminal for murder, and held as a prisoner in there ship. But he break free and made the ship crash into earth and landed on Japan.
Also they made a movie of the tmnt.
They made another movie about the new tmnt meet the old tmnts
Monday, September 13, 2010
warriors (cats)
favorite charaters: firestar, scrouge, cloudtail, brightheart, dovepaw
fanarts (which i did not made)

Friday, August 27, 2010
videos of my favorite
Yugioh abridged:
Brooklyn rage
leather pants
yugioh bad words
brooklyn rage(cover)
leather pants(cover)
fun in yugi's mind
witch doctor
tickle me emo
warriors forbiden couple
two great poos
clay fighters (fan made)
numa remix
night santa went crazy
Ultimate showdown
gay fish(south park)
uncle f****r banned story
saw chrismas special
nobody cartoon
dinosaur planet (fan made)
hitler vs darth vader
leather shoes
shane dawson:
emo bop
telephone (spoof)
If videogames were real
If movies were real
If cartoons were real