warning: This post shows characters made of crap (which is disturbing)
Here are charatures from games and shows that are gross. But not all guys made of poop. Some guys are made of boogers or slimy. Well here the guys, Im talking about.
1. The Great Mighty Poo- conker game.
The great mighty poo has wet sloppy hands, a big mouth with green slimy drull, green eyes, and disgusting corn teeth. He sings and trys to kill conker, by throwing balls of poop. His weakness is toilet paper.
See the videos.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0w5neFPat1w
2. Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo-south park
Howdy childern. Merry Christmas to all the nice boys and girls. And have a crappy New Year, Just kidding. No, Im serious, get lost. Watch me on south park in comedy central. Also in Youtube.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCPOowojiC0
3. Deputy Dangerous (poop form)-super Diaper baby
sorry, I can't find his picture in the internet, so you will see him in "The adventures of super diaper baby"
4. Boogerman game
Interplay presents the game you bind waiting for. Boogerman, is a gross gas making booger eating super hero. Saves the world by entering toilets, burps and farts, and throws boogers at enemys. He is also and arch enemy of earthworm jim in clay fighters 63 1/3. see the videos
5. Bionic Boogerboy and Carl, Trixie, and Franken Booger-captain underpants

when Melvin mix with the robot, he sneeze and with that combind, he turns into bionic booger boy. When hes diffeted, he turns back into Melvin. But Mr.Krapp and Melvin switch bodys. And the parts of the booger boy come back to life. known as carl (the legs), trixie(the tentacles) and franken booger has the arms.
6. Snott and Major Mucus-earthworm jim
sorry again, Can't find the pictures.
snott is a green blob, that is looks mucus like. He live in earthworm jims backpack, and he was jims friend and ally(which he is a good guy)
He also helps him clime on slimy boogers.
Major Mucus is the villen in the game. He is the ruler of the "A distant phlegm planet, and tries to destroy earthworm jim in the level "snot a problem" which is a bungee-jumping duel in a pit of snot. He also has a pet name "Mucus Phlegm Brain" that tries to eat jim, if earthworm jim gets to close to the pit.
Other gross and silly things:
7.Talking Toilets and Turbo Toilet 2000- captain underpants

when George and Harold made a comic book, the machine, that Melvin made bring the toilets to life. The toilets were conturled by the turbo toilet 2000, and eat alot of teachers and die from eating cafeteria food.
Turbo Toilet 2000 is the leader of the toilets and eat captain underpants. So that he can rule the world, but was distored by the binoic plunger. He is also in Uranus.
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