When I was a boy, the first time I play is "Starfox Aventure" is alittle fun.
And I thought it was base on an old N64 game called dinosaur planet (no not the other dinosaur planet that is on dicovery channel). I trie to find it, but I dicovery that it was cancelled by the companey longtime ago.

Becase nintendo says like "Oh it looks like a starfox game. you know what, lets make it a starfox game" So thay cancelled it, and make it a starfox game.
The new look is kind a crappy kystel for me, I like the old like better.
They also have cancelled characters named Sabre and Random.
So here is the image 

That how krystal first look like, and you can see her starfox look in google image or dinosaur planet.

also see the videos
If you want to see starfox aventure, here are the videos
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